
Customizing the Style and Theme of your Player

If you’ve come here, you’re probably familiar with some HTML and CSS. The BoxCast embed widget comes with some limited layout options out-of-the-box by just specifying additional flags on your loadChannel call, but you can dive deeper by overriding core styles or providing your own theme.

Dark or Light Theme

The widget provides 2 core style variations, depending on if you want to embed on a dark or a light background. Simply pass theme: 'light' or theme: 'dark' in the boxcast.loadChannel arguments. Note that the default is light.

BoxCast CSS

The BoxCast embedded widget is styled by means of CSS classes. We aim to provide low specificity to make it easy to override. We also prefix every class name with boxcast- to avoid interfering with your own page styles.

You can use your browser’s development tools to inspect the generated HTMl/CSS and experiment with overriding it with your own styles, but beware, some of this is subject to change in future releases. For best forward-compatability, it’s advised that you stick within the documented guidelines on this page.

Some important classes to note: